A reason for pubsub in Vue - Ornament Blog

Breathe consistently

NOTE I only explain the implementaiton details(more like pseudo code) of pubsub in javascript and don't go full into code tutorial. The actual code can be found here use-shared-event.

Yes, still on my Vue 3 component library project Ornament. Before i begin i should say hobby projects are the best. They push you to get in depth knowledge of the thing you're building and the tools you've decided to build it with.

Now that's aside, i recently wanted to add a vertical menu component to Ornament. Most of the CSS and Javascript(Vue) were pretty straightforward but i ran into an interesting problem.

See it's important to emit some events from the component to allow the user take some actions in certain cases but the problem is the vertical-menu component can be as nested as possible obviously to have a smoother developer experience i simply allowed the structure of the vertical-menu be created with an Array of nested arrays.

Example The developer supplies the following array

const menu = [
    {   text: 'User',
        children: [
            { text: 'Delete }, // this child node can still have children too
            { text: 'Edit } // this child node can still have children too
    {   text: 'Settings',
        children: [
            { text: 'Auth }, // this child node can still have children too
            { text: 'Profile } // this child node can still have children too

Then the menu variable above is used to create the UI component on the screen when the developer does the following:

<or-vertical-menu :menu="menu"/>

Under the hood the component recursively goes through the menu structure and creates something similar to this:


At each node there will be an event node-click that gets emitted when that node is clicked and that event can be consumed by the developer to perform some action. The problem is when a node that is 5 levels deep gets clicked it'll have to recursively go up it's tree 5 times and each step of the way it'll fire the node-click for each node. This i imagine would be a pain to debug and it'll totally mess up my vue-devtools.

In short PubSub is short for publish subscribe. Basically, Somewhere there's something listening for an event(subscriber) and when the event goes off(published) the listener performs some action. So i just had to subscribe to my event in the top layer of my vertical-menu and then any child node that publishes an event goes directly to my subscriber and not up the tree first.


Full code here: use-shared-event

A simple pubsub API api would look something like this:

// subscriber

// publisher

NOTE <event> is used as a placeholder for an event name. So how is this really implemented? Under the hood we'll create an events which takes an array of objects. Each key in the object would be the name of the event and the value would be an array of functions.

const events = {
    <event> [Function, Function, Function]

When a user runs emit(<event>).listen(callback) we check if there's a key corresponding that <event> name in our events array. If there isn't then we initialize the object with the <event> as the key and a value of [Function]. Functions are first class values in javascript so they can be passed around.

// code cut for brevity
listen(callback) {
    const event = events[<event>];

When a user finally hits emit(<event>).push(value), we simply simple get the <event> array from event with events[<event>], iterate over it and then fun the callback functions passing the value as the argument to the callback.

// code cut for brevity
push(value) {
  const listeners = events[<event>];
  for (const listener of listeners) {